Recipes, Varie


Ingredients for tartare:

  • 10 Radish
  • 2 White celery
  • 1/2 Green apple
  • 1/2 Lemon (Only juice)
  • 1 Little zucchini
  • 1/2 Carrot
  • 3 Spoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 Berries of pimento (Optional 4 black pepper grains + a pinch of nutmeg/cinnamon)
  • 1 Teaspoon of salt
  • Shoots / Edible flowers q.s.


Ingredients almond mayonnaise:

  • Peeled almond (100 grams)
  • Water (70 grams)
  • Lemon juice (15 grams)
  • 1 Teaspoon of curcuma
  • Soy milk without sugar (20 grams)
  • Salt
  • 3 Spoons of rice oil or seed


Processing for almond mayonnaise

To prepare the mayonnaise vegan to the almonds pour the almonds into the blender and peel them to the highest potency until the finest flour is reduced. Now add filtered lemon juice, water, half teaspoon of turmeric, and a salt grip. It still wraps up to get a very dense cream. Now transfer the cream into the mouthpiece of an immersion blender, combine soy milk, other salt and the remaining half teaspoon of turmeric. Start assembling the mixture from bottom to top and combine rice oil. Continue to fit until you’ve got a perfect consistency. Try and adjust salt if necessary. Pour the mayonnaise into a bowl and serve immediately or cover it with film and keep it cool until the time of use.


Start preparing the raw vegetable tartare with almond mayonnaise by washing all the vegetables well and drying them carefully. Cut the 3 mm green apple to side and dip into iced iced water with lemon juice. Cut into thin slices two radishes and brunoise the rest. It only draws the green part of the courgette (you can use the pulp for a salad) and cut it into desserts. Eliminates filaments from celery stems and brunoise edges. In a mortar, smash the berries with fine powder. In a bowl, combine all the vegetables and season with extra virgin olive oil, pimento and Salt. Add the rolled apple and mix well. Helping with a spoon pour the tartar into the serving saucers by dividing it into 4 coppapasta of 7 centimeters and compact well. Pour a rich layer of mayonnaise on the vegetables then gently pull the coppapasta. Garnish dishes with slices of radish, buds and edible flowers.


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